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Hong Kong, the former British colony and now the Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, is a thriving and vibrant city of almost seven million. While legally part of China, Hong Kong is secluded from main land China as a dependency with a high degree of autonomy. The former colony has its own laws, separate immigration controls, financial system and is officially bi-lingual (Cantonese and English). It is a commercial and economic center surrounded by the natural beauty of the South China Sea and its nearby islands. The transportation network is excellent and Hong Kong's shopping opportunities are world famous. In Hong Kong you can find the all the conveniences of modern living side-by-side with the reminders of its historic past. Visitor highlights such as Ocean Park, the fantastic view at the top of Victoria Peak and beautiful Repulse Bay draw tourists and residents alike.

Notre Dame Global offers several exchange programs in Hong Kong:

Chinese University of Hong Kong

The University of Notre Dame and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) began a bilateral exchange program in Fall 2008. CUHK is a leading research university with seven faculties: The Faculty of Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Science and Social Science, and the new School of Law. There are more than 330 programs of study available to undergraduate and postgraduate students. The library system has comprehensive holdings and the computer facilities are state of the art. Because of the excellent academic reputation of CUHK, the diversity and quality of its course offerings, its strong faculty, and its location in Asia, this program has the potential for growth beyond the initial exchange program. CUHK has a student body of about 18,500 undergraduates and postgraduates. CUHK has a bilingual bicultural population of local and international students and scholars. CUHK receives students from over 180 academic institutions worldwide.

Learn more   Study Abroad website

University of Hong Kong

Students in this program will take courses at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), a dynamic, comprehensive university of world-class standing. As a leading international institution of higher learning in Asia, it attracts outstanding scholars from around the world through excellence and innovation in teaching and learning and research and knowledge exchange. With ten colleges and numerous research centers, its reputation as a center of intellectual excellence is recognized around the world.

Learn more   Study Abroad website

Hong Kong University of Sciences and Technology

Hong Kong University of Sciences and Technology (HKUST) is a dynamic and forward-thinking University that embraces a truly global outlook and an innovative spirit. Founded in 1991, it has rapidly established itself as a top global institution and built a respectable reputation in the world by aligning our world-class educational resources with the growth momentum of Asia. The University has developed a unique East-West educational ethos centered on the core values of excellence, diversity, open-minded curiosity and an upbeat “can do” spirit.  Notre Dame has established exchange programs with HKUST in 2018.

Learn more   Study Abroad website

Study Abroad in China

Asia is intellectually inspiring and challenging for Notre Dame students, who have numerous opportunities to study at one of Asia’s top universities or to participate in distinctive Notre Dame-designed international programs. These programs offer courses in language immersion, business studies, professional engagement, engineering collaboration, and service learning with academic, corporate, and other organizational partners.

Notre Dame Global offers students several options to study in Beijing and Shanghai for a semester or academic year.

Summer Study Abroad

Global Professional Experience

Notre Dame Global offers undergraduate students an international experiential learning opportunity to experience firsthand within an immersive environment how businesses and organizations operate in selected locations throughout the world. The Global Professional Experience Program places students with selected global and local companies and organizations in Asia (China, India, and Japan), Europe (Greece and the United Kingdom), and Latin America (Brazil and Chile).

This seven-week program includes three main components:

  • A one-credit course offers an exploration of historic, social, and economic dimensions related to each of the program’s regions, in addition to providing a forum to reflect upon new international perspectives, inter-cultural knowledge, collaborative skills, integrative competencies, and career discernment.
  • A one-week on-site orientation provided by Notre Dame's global locations, and selected service providers. The on-site orientation helps students better understand the local cultures and includes cultural excursions and basic language training.
  • A six-week placement within a business or organization that will provide students with professional experiences related to their academic and professional interests. Host businesses and organizations include media, startups, technology, healthcare, finance, NGOs, and think tanks, among other sectors.

Learn more   Study Abroad website